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   I don't often write serious columns, but sometimes I can't control the urge. This is one of those times.
   On my masthead for Hoppe Columns, it reads "An Occasional Commentary on the Absurdities of Everyday Life." And I can't think of anything more absurd than Donald Trump returning to the White House.
   It fascinates and terrifies me that this guy can actually win on November 5th. He is an embarrassment, and he once again could be the leader of the free world. Yikes.
   This isn't necessarily about politics. This is about character. Donald Trump is everything you teach your children not to be.
   I heard a snippet of one of his ridiculous tirades the other day, which hit close to home. He said San Francisco was a great city 15 years ago but is now "unlivable."
   He went on to say that you could walk in any store in San Francisco and walk out with less than $950 in merchandise (making it a misdemeanor and not a felony) and no one will bother you. He said thieves in San Francisco walk into stores with a calculator to make certain they're under the threshold.
   All blatant lies, as usual. What a moron. What a jerk.  What a disgrace to humanity. And he could be our next President.
   How can so many people support this insanity? This is a man who will, if elected, pardon everyone who has been convicted for storming the Capitol on January 6th.  People who were responsible for 180 assaults on Capitol and Metropolitan police officers and arguably partially responsible for the death of five Capitol police officers.
   This is a man who continues to insist that the 2020 election was stolen from him because of election fraud, despite any evidence. Never mind that creating such a fraud would require thousands of conspirators, none of whom have come forward. Imagine the book deal they could get.
   Worse yet, the majority of his supporters also believe he got screwed in 2020. I have friends who are Trump supporters (or at least I did before this column) and I'm afraid to ask them if they believe the election was stolen. If they did, I would lose all respect for them.
   Donald Trump is a nightmare. He has single-handedly increased the partisan divide in our country with his lies, with his vicious commentary, and with his stupidity. A man with his shameful character has no business leading our country.
   We need more Republicans to step up and disassociate themselves from Donald Trump. They're out there. One of my Republicans friends said he'd vote for his dog before he voted for Trump.
   Imagine if George Bush came out and said he couldn't stomach Trump anymore. Unlike some spineless other Republican lawmakers, Bush is done with politics. He probably won't do it, but there's no harm in dreaming.
   Trump is such a clown. It's almost inconceivable that he could get elected again. But it was inconceivable in 2016 and look what happened. Donald Trump became the President of the United States. Really?
   How he got so popular with his supporters boggles my mind. How he manages to control the Republican Party is mesmerizing. How he has a chance to become our 47th President is terrifying.
   Please don't let it happen. We can most likely survive anything, but it will be an ugly, ugly four years. The country will be torn apart even more than it already is, and we will become a laughingstock around the world.
    The saddest part is that if Trump loses, things could be worse for a while. There's little doubt he'll claim the election was stolen from him again because the narcissistic little man cannot accept failure. Then he'll tell his supporters to "fight like Hell." God help us.
   We'll survive that carnage, too. And it will be the end of Donald Trump. He'll be 82 when the next election rolls around in 2028. Joe Biden knows how that works.
   Yes, the Donald Trump nightmare could soon be over. All it will take is tons of money, phone calls, and a lack of slip-ups by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Because we all know Trump will continue to slip up.
   And then, in 2028, relieved of the pathetic antics of Donald Trump, the Republican party can nominate a decent individual like a Robert Dole, or a George Bush, or a John McCain, or a Mitt Romney. I might vote for someone like that, or I might not.
   But I wouldn't be terrified of the outcome.

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