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   There are so many ways I can improve the world, and today I will share one of my essential concepts. This one revolves around the art of communication, which I have humbly mastered.
   I'll be quick to say this concept does not include household communication, which I'm told is not one of my strengths. No, I am a master of email, text and phone communication, and I will tell you why.
   But first, let me rank the levels of communication among our species. After I explain the qualities of each level, you can choose your ranking, and then perhaps aspire to move up. Here they are:
  1. Master Communicator
  2. Moderate Communicator
  3. Clueless
   We'll start with Master Communicator which, as noted, includes me. It's a very select group, much like Master Sommeliers. Here are the qualifications necessary:


    a) Requires an immediate response, usually shocking the recipient with your swiftness. This is always the goal, but sometimes you're doing other things and an immediate response is impossible. If so, the 24 hour rule is invoked. Under no circumstances, even when on vacation, does a Master Communicator go more than 24 hours without responding.
   b) No typos allowed. Master Communicators always proofread their emails.
   c) There is one exception to the immediate response rule. For instance, when you see an email come in and you want the sender to think you're a busy person. In that case, waiting a few hours or so before responding, even if you have nothing else to do, is acceptable.


   a) Even more so than emails, texts, by their nature, require immediate response. Master Communicators are seldom without their phones and have no excuse for not responding within moments. Exceptions, of course, are made for political fundraising texts.
   b) No abbreviations allowed. No "u" for you or "r" for are. And again, proofreading required. Auto Correct is the enemy.
   c) When a text exchange with only one person goes for more than three pings, Master Communicators stop texting and call the texter on their phone, completely surprising them. The conversation is then completed in 1/20th the time it would have taken with texts, and with more substance.


   a) Master Communicators actually use the phone, as noted above. They find this ancient form of communication useful and efficient.
   b) If their call goes to voicemail, a Master Communicator actually leaves a voicemail, sometimes with a detailed message, which perhaps only a fellow Master Communicator will ever listen to.
   c) When receiving a call, a Master Communicator will accept it, grateful someone wants to talk to them. Even unknown numbers are accepted. It could be an old friend.


   Most people fall into this category. You know who you are. You're not Clueless (see below) but you've got a long way to go before being anointed a Master Communicator.
   Emails and texts are read and acknowledged, but there is no hurry to respond, even when you know the recipient is anxiously awaiting a response. You'll get to it whenever you feel the urge, which may be days.
   Example: You'll text someone with a question. If it's a Master Communicator, he or she will respond immediately, answering your question but also with a question of their own. You had just texted, so your phone is obviously in your hands. But no response is forthcoming. Moderate Communicators will wait an hour or two before responding, driving Master Communicators nuts.
   Moderate Communicators are the norm. They aren't married to their phone, live a happy, relatively stress-free life, and embrace technology when it suits them. And yes, it's possible that Master Communicators are a little jealous.


    No jealously here. We all have a few friends or business associates who are ridiculously unresponsive. Emails, texts, phone calls---it doesn't matter. They'll fail to respond to anything.
   Once you finally reach them, and you always do, they'll usually apologize. They'll claim they've been ridiculously busy, or they'll say they didn't see the 12 messages you sent them, or they'll laugh and joke about their incompetence.
   These people, and there are many out there, need to be removed from society. That may sound harsh, but Master Communicators need to be tough when discussing communication.
   Once the Clueless realize that communication is the backbone of civilization, we will let them back in. Until then, they're out. Unfortunately, they'll never get the message.

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