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  Scene: A living room in February, 2037, 12 years from now. Miraculously, I'm still alive, and I have two of my 17 grandchildren (kids have been busy) at my feet as our wood burning fireplace roars ("Spare the Air" days are long gone). Little Freddy is 12 and Little Esmeralda is 10.

  Little Freddy: Grandpa, tell us again about the old days. I love yucky stories.

  Me: (tousling Little Freddy's hair) It was certainly different, Little Freddy. Times have changed quite a bit.

  Little Esmeralda: Why has it changed, Grandpa? President Trump has always been President, hasn't he?

  Me: Not always, Essy, not always. There was a time when some rotten people cheated President Trump and he had to step aside for four whole disastrous years. But he came back stronger than ever and we've prospered ever since.

   Little Freddy: How long has he been President?

  Me: Let's see.....about 12 years this time. But he's only 90 years old. And if, God forbid, something happened to him we always have Don Jr. ready to step in.

  Little Freddy: Phew! (raising his fist) Long live the Trumps!

  Me: (chuckling at his enthusiasm) Yessiree, he sure has been good for us rich, white males.

  Little Esmeralda: What about me?

  Little Freddy: You're just a stupid girl. You don't count.

  Me: Now Freddy, don't be rude. Women have a place in our world. We wouldn't be able to procreate like Prince Elon wants us to without women.

  Little Esmeralda: Didn't a woman once try to beat President Trump?

   Me: (laughing along with Little Freddy) Not once, but twice! The last one lost in a landslide, and hasn't been heard from since. President Trump has shown women where they belong.

   Little Freddy: Yeah, along with everyone else who isn't white, rich and American!

  Me: That's right, Little Freddy. You were born the right way. The world is your oyster, thanks to President Trump.

  Little Esmeralda: (starting to cry) you guys are creeps. I just want to go outside and play.

  Me: You know it's not safe, Essy. We have to wait until the rains come and we get some clean air.

  Little Freddy: Do you think we'll ever get to go to a restaurant again, Grandpa?

  Me: (sighing) Maybe someday, if women can procreate more. We just need more American workers willing to work in hot kitchens.

  Little Esmeralda: Where did they all go?

  Me: President Trump got rid of them all, because they weren't Americans like us. That's also why most people don't have any fresh produce or wine or a lot of other things. But luckily we're rich and white and can ship those things in from other countries.

  Little Freddy: I'm sure glad I'm rich and white.

  Me: Oh, Little Freddy, you still have to work hard to become rich, even if you're white. There's a lot of people out there who are still poor. But thanks to President Trump, your chances of becoming rich are a lot better than most.

  Little Esmerada: What about me? Can I get rich?

  Me: Sure, Essy. You're just going to have to work extra hard, like your brown-skinned friends.

  Little Esmeralda: (sulking) I wish I were a man.

  Little Freddy: Eww!! What are you, one of those weirdos who want to change their sex? I thought we killed all those people.

  Me: Not yet, Little Freddy, not yet. But President Trump is working on it.

  Little Esmeralda: Grandpa, is life today really better than it was in the old days?

  Me: Of course, Little Essy. We can do whatever we want and we hardly pay any taxes anymore. The government doesn't bother us with restrictions and we don't have illegal immigrants raping and murdering us. What's not to like?

  Little Freddy: (giving Little Esmeralda a shove) Yeah, stupid. It's the best, thanks to President Trump. White Guys Rule!

  Me: Remember to be humble, Little Freddy. We need women and brown-skinned people. We can't do it all alone.

  Little Esmeralda: Yeah! You need us!

  Little Freddy: No we don't. Grandpa, can we just do an "Executive Order" and eliminate her?

  Me: Not yet, Little Freddy. Not yet.

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